Faster visual SQL query building in the upcoming major version!
Find out how things will change in Active Query Builder for .NET 4.0.
Domain Specific Language: define SQL queries via fluent API
New API makes your queries database server-independent and checked against the current database schema on the compilation stage.
Using Redis instead of the session-based storage
Active Query Builder is no longer tied to th ASP.NET session mechanism anymore but can store its state in any repository specified by the programmer. This allows for easy load-balancing while using in web farms.
How can we help users build queries more easily?
Can we do anything to help users build SQL queries faster? One of the most important things is to show that data to them, so users can see if the returned data meet their expectations.
Our plans for the next major version
Our primary goal is to give the user an opportunity to think about the data he needs to get with the query.
How do you use the Alternate Names feature?
A feature that was primarily made to display clear names for database objects can be helpful to update your queries after the database schema refactoring.
First screenshot of Active Query Builder WPF Edition
I've created this blog to inform you about our plans, our vision, and about various aspects of Active Query Builder functionality, usage cases, and everything else that you may find interesting.