| Name | Description |
 | DatabaseImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for database nodes. |
 | FieldImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for field nodes. |
 | FolderImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for namespace nodes (folders). |
 | ForeignKeyImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for foreign key nodes. |
 | GroupByDatabases | Instructs to group database objects by databases or not. |
 | GroupBySchemas | Instructs to group database objects by schemas or not. |
 | GroupByServers | Instructs to group database objects by servers or not. |
 | GroupByTypes | Instructs to group database objects by types or not. |
 | ImageList | Gets or sets ImageList object used to display icons for the nodes of Database Schema Tree. |
 | PackageImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for package nodes. |
 | ParameterImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for procedure and function parameter nodes. |
 | PrimaryKeyImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for primary key field nodes. |
 | ProceduresFolderText | Gets or sets the text displayed for the procedure and function grouping folders. |
 | SchemaImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for schema nodes. |
 | ServerImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for server nodes. |
 | ShowFields | Instructs the component to show fields of database objects in the tree. |
 | SynonymsFolderText | Gets or sets the text displayed for the synonym grouping folders. |
 | SystemProcedureImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for system procedures and functions. |
 | SystemSynonymImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for system synonyms. |
 | SystemTableImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for system tables. |
 | SystemViewImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for system views. |
 | TablesFolderText | Gets or sets the text displayed for the table grouping folders. |
 | UserProcedureImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for user procedures and functions. |
 | UserSynonymImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for user synonyms. |
 | UserTableImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for user tables. |
 | UserViewImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for user views. |
 | ViewsFolderText | Gets or sets the text displayed for the view grouping folders. |
 | VirtualFieldImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for virtual fields. |
 | VirtualObjectImageIndex | Gets or sets the image list index value of the image displayed for virtual objects. |