| Name | Description |
| ActiveSubQuery | Provides access to the currently visible to end-user sub-query. |
| AddObjectFormOptions | Determines appearance of the Add Object Form. |
| BehaviorOptions | Allows you to tune the way Active Query Builder parses and builds SQL queries. |
| DatabaseSchemaTree | Returns an interface to the Database Schema Tree View control. |
| DatabaseSchemaTreeOptions | Contains various properties of the Database Schema Tree control. |
| DataSourceOptions | Contains various properties of the Design Pane. |
| DefaultImageList | Gets the list of default icons. |
| DesignPaneOptions | Determines appearance of the objects within the Design Pane. |
| ExpressionEditor | Gets or sets a reference to the Expression Editor interface that allows to edit SQL expressions and criteria in a multi-line text editor with code auto-completion and syntax highlight. |
| IsUpdating | Indicates that the component is in update mode now. |
| Language | Gets or sets the language. |
| LayoutSQL | Gets or sets the SQL query text among with layout, i.e. sizes and positions of objects within the Design Pane in XML format. |
| MetadataContainer | Returns a reference to the Metadata Container, an object to hold information about database schema, database objects and their attributes. |
| MetadataLoadingOptions | Determines rules of loading database schema information to the Metadata Container. |
| MetadataProvider | Gets or sets a reference to the Metadata Provider object used to retrieve metadata from a database or from another source. |
| MetadataStructure | Gets or sets the reference to the Metadata Structure object that represents the content of Metadata Container in a tree-like form. |
| MetadataStructureOptions | Contains various properties that affect on displaying of the Metadata Structure. |
| OfflineMode | Allows to switch the component between normal and "Offline" modes. |
| OverrideDevExpressThemeColors | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to override DevExpress controls theme colors. |
| PanesConfigurationOptions | Allows you to configure layout of the main parts of the component: Design Pane, Query Columns List, Database Schema Tree and Query Structure Tree. |
| Parameters | Allows to retrieve information about parameters that were used in the query. |
| Query | Provides access to the main Query object. |
| QueryColumnListOptions | Contains various properties of the Query Column List control. |
| QueryStatistics | Allows to retrieve various information about the query: list of used database objects and their fields, list of output query columns. |
| QueryStructureTree | Returns an interface to the Query Structure Tree View control. |
| QueryStructureTreeOptions | Contains various properties of the Query Structure Tree. |
| ResultQueryAST | Gets the abstract sytnax tree of result SQL query. |
| RightToLeftLayout | Gets or sets a value indicating whether right-to-left mirror placement is turned on. |
| SleepMode | Indicates that the component is in the "Sleep" Mode. |
| SQL | Use this property to get or set SQL query text in response to user actions. |
| SQLChanging | Indicates that the process of updating the query is running now. |
| SQLContext | Determines context of the query building, parsing and SQL generation processes. |
| SQLGenerationOptions | Determines SQL query text generation rules for the QueryBuilder.SQL property. |
| SubQueries | Lists all sub-queries in the query. |
| SyntaxProvider | Gets or sets a reference to the Syntax Provider object used to define SQL syntax rules of specific database servers. |
| Tabs | Returns an interface to the Sub-Query Tab control. |
| UseDevExpressControls | Allows to switch component's visual controls from standard .NET controls to DevExpress WinForms controls. |
| VisualOptions | Contains visual options that are not related to any pane. |