
Active Query Builder WinForms Edition History

May 13, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- The multi-threading synchronization issue is fixed.
- The bug with redundant WITH clause after removal of the last CTE is fixed.
- MySQL: The bug with SELECT INTO DUMPFILE option is fixed.
+ MySQL: The SELECT [DISTICT|ALL] options are added to the query properties

May 12, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ Added new API method UnionSubQuery.AddLinksFromExpression() for manual adding 
  of links with complex joining expressions.
- Fixed problem when a link was attached to wrong datasource on the design pane 
  in some rare conditions.
- PostgreSQL: Parsing of logical expressions in criteria cells is fixed.

May 04, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ Automatic alias assignment is made when user adds two or more columns with 
  same name to the query. The warning message is shown when muptiple columns
  with same name appear in sub-queries in result of user actions as this may 
  lead to inconsistence in the calling sub-query.
+ The new UserMessage event is added. It is fired when the Query Builder is
  about to show the warning message to the user. You may override this 
  behavior by handling the UserMessage event.

April 28, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- The bug with editing GROUP BY in query without a GROUP BY clause is fixed.

April 27, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new LinkOptions.CreateLinksByIdenticalFieldNames property is added. 
  It instructs the component to add links between objects by identical
  field names (might be useful for legacy databases without foreign keys).
+ SQLite: The component can load foreign keys now.
= SQLite: The list of aggregates and built-in functions is filled now.
+ SQL text formatting options for CTE sub-queries are made
= DevExpressControlFactory dependencies are updated to v.
- The bug with adding derived table or CTE into the same CTE is fixed.
- The bug with generating invalid SQL if object and database names are equal 
  is fixed.
- MS SQL Server: Support of the OPENQUERY function is fixed.
- Oracle: The bug with removing references to datasources from the CONNECT BY
  clause is fixed.

April 19, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new CreateWhereJoinsByDefault property is added to all syntax providers.
  Setting it to true instructs the component to create joins in WHERE clause
  instead of using ANSI joins. Note that the ANSI joins still may be created if
  the user will make an OUTER JOIN. For Oracle syntax, the component will create
  Oracle-style joins (+=, =+) except FULL OUTER JOIN.
- Oracle: The bug with ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause is fixed.

April 18, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- Focused data source control painting bug in Windows XP is fixed.
- Expression Editor: Suggestion popup list painting at 120 DPI is fixed.

April 06, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new property FieldListOptions.CollapseExpandButtonLocation is added. 
  It allows you to specify the location of the Collapse/Expand button 
  (at the top or bottom of each datasource).
= All forms are optimized for 120 DPI display setting.

April 04, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

= Condition parsing is improved.
- More memory leaks are eliminated.

April 01, 2011

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- Memory leaks are eliminated.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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