
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition History

June 19, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.21.2

- Deadlock on OCX unload in Clarion is fixed.

June 18, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.21.1

= PostgreSQL: LEFT and RIGHT builtin functions are supported now.

May 30, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.21.0

+ The new IQueryTransformer interface is added. It is intended to easily
  modify SQL query sorting, filtration and aggregation programmatically. 
  You can get it's instance via the IActiveQueryBuilderX.QueryTransformer 
+ The new properties are added to the ExpressionBuilderParams class that is 
  passed to the OnCustomExpressionEditor event handler:
  ExpressionKind (ekExpression, ekWhere or ekHaving), RelatedExpression,
  RelatedField, RelatedObject.
= Internal change: Binding of column names is not performed now if fieldless
  datasources are in the scope.
= MySQL: The BINARY prefix operator is supported now.

May 08, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.20.4

+ Oracle: REGEXP_LIKE function is supported now.
= Usage of aliases in ORDER BY is corrected.
- MS Access: Support of aliases in ORDER BY clause is turned off.

April 26, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.20.3

+ Direct connection to ODBC data sources is possible now. You can simply assign
  your ODBC connection string to the ConnectionString property.
= "Check/Uncheck All" items are added to the context menu of derived table's
  field list.
- MS Access: LEFT and RIGHT are accepted as builtin function names now.
- Grouping doesn't set now on assigning sort order for aggregated expressions.
= Additional brackets are added now on loading conditions to a non-empty cell.
- FieldsList.ItemHeight is updated now when TableFont is changed.
= Alias quotation is removed in the Alias column.

April 12, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.20.2

- Scrolling of partially visible items before check in DataSource check list box
  is handled correctly now.
= Aliases are emitted in the Order By clause when possible.
= French localization is updated.

April 07, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.20.1

- MS Access: Support of TRIM builtin function is added.
- Incorrect loading of complex conditions fixed
- Interbase: Parsing some builtin functions is fixed.
- Interbase: EXTRACT function is supported.
+ Oracle: Named parameters in function calls are supported now.
- Oracle: resolve ambiguity in parsing qualified column name with method call
- Oracle: Support of CONNECT_BY_ROOT and preserving order of START WITH/CONNECT
  BY is made.
= PostgreSql: Some date/time and system functions like CURRENT_DATE or USER
  could not be quoted. Fixed now.

February 28, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.20.0

+ Greek translation is added.
+ The new "Add Union Sub-query" button is added to the Union navigation bar.
+ The new button is added to each datasource to collapse/expand it's field list.

February 22, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.19.11

- Oracle: The DATE built-in function is added.

February 21, 2013

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.19.10

+ Firebird: ROWS clause is supported now.
+ The new IActiveQueryBuilderX.SelectListAlternateRowColor property is made to
  mark even rows of the grid. 

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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