Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
+ The new property DataSourceOptions.CheckboxesVisible lets turn off checkboxes in datasource field lists. = Expression Editor: Focus is now set into the text editor after insertion from suggestion lists. - Native and DevExpress controls scaling issues have been fixed.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
= Sqlite: Keywords list has been filled. = Full-featured demo projects: SQL Syntax detection and changing is possible now for ODBC and OLE DB connections. = Detection of installed OLE DB providers suitable to work with MS Access has been made. = The new Expression Editor Demo has been added to the trial installation package. = The General Demo has been renamed to Basic Demo. - The bug with the stored procedure parameters retrieval on servers with specific collation has been fixed. - Criteria Builder: The bug with creating filter items for empty general conditions has been fixed. - SQL Text Editor: Minor suggestion list fixes have been made.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
+ The new Expression Editor demo project has been added. It demonstrates the internal structure of the ExpressionEditor component. = SQL Text Editor: Minor auto-completion improvements have been made. = Parsing of incorrect/incomplete "IN" expressions in condition cells of the Query Columns List has been improved. = Logging of the stored procedure params loading has been improved. - The NullPointerException when leaving empty condition item in the Query Columns List has been fixed. - Expression Editor: Minor visual fixes and improvements have been made.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
- Minor fixes have been made.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
= The new field QueryColumnListControl.HitTest.ConditionIndex has been added. It allows determining the corresponding item in the query object model. - Criteria Builder: Minor fixes and improvements have been made. - SQL Text Editor: The bug with deleting the text next to a parenthesis has been fixed. - Bounds and collapsed state in the layout data are saved correctly now. - Metadata Structure: The bug with grouping items by database object type has been fixed. - Teradata: Addition of datasources to design pane has been speeded up. - MySQL: Support of STDDEV function has been fixed. - Custom context menu is displayed now for condition cells of the Query Columns Grid. - DevExpress: Cell context menu is now displayed in the proper position.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
+ The abilities to display the text and preview result of the currently active sub-query have been added to all of the Full-featured demo projects. = Numerous fixes in the Full-featured and General demo projects have been made. = Direct references to third-party assemblies have been replaced with appropriate Nuget packages where it was possible. + The new properties have been added to the DatabaseSchemaViewOptions to tune the look of Database Schema Tree: DrawTreeLines, ImageIndices.ExpandedNodeImageIndex, ImageIndices.CollapsedNodeImageIndex. = The new property SqlTextEditor.ChangeFontSizeByMouseWheel has been added to allow changing the font size by mouse wheel while holding the Ctrl key down. It is set to True by default. - The bug with restoring layout for non-existing elements has been fixed. - Computation of primary and foreign keys field lists has been fixed. - The bug with deserializing complex metadata structure has been fixed. - The bug with grouping database objects in the tree by types has been fixed. - The bug with the scroll bar in SQL Text Editor has been fixed. = Batch metadata loading is now more intelligent to avoid delays on getting the list of fields for the first requested table. - The bug in Expression Editor with scrollbars always visible has been fixed.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
= The new QueryBuilder.GetDataSourceCaptionToolTipText event has been added. = Properties Bar: Size of property editing controls is corrected to suit the container panel better. - Properties Bar: NRE on setting invalid link expression has been eliminated. - The bug with displaying namespaces twice in the combo-box in the Add Object Window has been fixed. - Closing the sub-query navigation popup after clicking on one of the ellipsis action buttons has been fixed. - Numerous fixes and improvements in the demo projects have been made.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
+ Tooltip on the datasource caption is now displaying the description for database objects or the beginning of sub-query text for sub-queries. = Expression Editor: The SQLFormattingOptions is a reference property now, not a contained object. ! SubQuery: Setting the LimitCount and LimitOffset properties is temporarily turned off. - Search in the Database Schema View with custom metadata structure has been fixed. - Sub-queries from the "IN (SELECT ...)" conditions are displayed on the Query Navigation Bar now. - The ConditionalOperatorsFormat.NewLineBeforeWhen property has been fixed. = PostgreSQL parser has been optimized. - Several minor bugs have been fixed.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
+ Better visual style for the database schema tree has been made. + The new property QueryBuilder.DatabaseSchemaViewOptions.DrawTreeLines controls drawing of tree lines between nodes of the database schema tree. + The component is now asking for deleting sub-queries. = Various SQL expression error reporting improvements have been made. + The new UserInterfaceOptions property group has been added to the QueryView and QueryBuilder classes. The QueryBuilder.UserInterfaceOptions.ConfirmSubQueryDeletion property prescribes to display the confirmation dialog on deleting a sub-query. The QueryBuilder.UserInterfaceOptions.WarnAboutSQLExpressionErrors property instructs to display popup window when the user makes a syntax error in SQL expression. + Expression Editor: SQL expressions are formatted now according to the settings of the new SQLFormattingOptions property. = Expression Editor: Monospace font is used by default now. = Index numbers in ORDER BY are converted to corresponding expressions now. - Numerous fixes and improvements to the Query Properties Bar and SQL Text Editor have been made. + Oracle: Loading of stored procedure parameters from the server system catalog is supported now. - Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server: Several SQL parsing fixes have been made. = New and missing localizable strings have been added. - Localization fixes have been made.
Active Query Builder 3 WinForms Edition v.
= SubQuery.Caption property returns localized caption for the main query. = Default namespaces aren't shown in datasource captions now. - Metadata Structure: Grouping by types at the top level has been fixed. = Only the simple WHERE clause conditions like "field1 = field2" are loaded as links now. - Generation of offset in the LIMIT expression has been fixed. - Loading of reusable queries has been fixed. - Properties panel: Properties for the focused query element weren't shown on the first activation. Fixed now. = Properties panel: Captions for multiline editors are placed above the editor. = Properties panel: Wrapping by words is turned on for multiline SQL expression editors. - Database Schema Tree: The selection rectangle and focus frame around the focused node text, not around entire row - Fields are checked on KeyDown now, not on KeyUp. - The internal notification popup doesn't blink on startup anymore. - Resizing of the Query Column List Control has been speeded up. - SQL Text Editor: Black background at the bottom has been eliminated. - .csproj files in the source code have been fixed.
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We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!
We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...
In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!