
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition History

March 23, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.11

= Custom caption in EditProperties2 is not ignored now.
+ OLE drag-and-drop of text items to design area and criteria grid is made.
+ The new properties are added to allow OLE drag'n'drop of text items to the
  Design Area (QueryBuilder.OLEDragAndDrop: Boolean) and the Query Colums Grid
  (QueryBuilder.SelectListOptions.OLEDragAndDrop: Boolean).
+ The new AParam.CompletionsList property in OnCustomExpressionBuilder event is
  added to get access to the list of datasource columns of the currently active
= MySQL: more accurate checking of the current database request is made.
- Oracle: correct printing of objects with @DBLINK is made.
- Replacing name of stored proc with it's alias is fixed.

March 02, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.8

- The bug with entering criteria prefixed with comparison operators is fixed.
  (introduced in 1.16.6)
= DB2: Additional aggregate functions are added: VAR_POP, VAR_SAMP
= Fixed bug with incorrect removal of selected query fields not related to the
  sub-query on removing same named fields from the sub-query.

February 24, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.6

+ The new properties are added to get access to the active sub-query text:
  ActiveSubQuerySQL and ActiveUnionSubQuerySQL.
- The position parameter in the OnCustomExpressionBuilder event now measured
  from the top-left corner of the component (was of the columns grid control).
- Add Object Form: The ListView display mode is now applied correctly.
+ Add Object Form: Descriptions for metadata objects are displayed now in the
  Report ListView mode.
= MySQL: The || and && operators are treated now correctly according to the
  server configuration (as synonyms for logical OR and AND in default mode).
+ IBM DB2: Statistics aggregate functions are added.
+ IBM DB2: Extended syntax for TRIM, POSITION and EXTRACT functions, string
  types with CCSIDs are supported now.
= The "{expression}" entered to the Condition cell is converted to 
  "= {expression}" now.
+ MySQL: &,|,^,<<,>> operators are supported now.
- CAB signing is fixed.

February 09, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.4

- DB2: The INNER, LEFT and RIGHT join keyword parser ambiguities are removed.
- ObjectMetadataLoading and ObjectMetadataLoaded events were not fired 
  in offline mode. Fixed now.

January 28, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.2

+ The new properties are added to IActiveQueryBuilderX.FieldsListOptions group:
  the HideAsteriskItem allows to remove the asterisk item from the field lists;
  the SelectAllFieldsByDefault instructs the component to check all fields 
  of a datasource on adding it to the query building area.
- MS Jet: Original fields order is preseved now for Jet 3.5 and 4.0.

January 26, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16.1

- MySQL: "Datetime" is now valid identifier.
= MySQL: GROUP_CONCAT is added to the list of aggregate functions now.
+ DB2: tuples are supported now.
= Access: Original database object fields order is restored now.

January 22, 2011

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.16

+ Now it's possible to rename and remove CTE sub-queries from the query using
  the sub-query tab context menu.
+ Parsing of derived tables without aliases is possible now.
+ Oracle: Extract function for XML queries is supported now.
+ MySQL: REGEXP and RLIKE functions are supported now.
- The expressions with fields from sub-query are deleted now if these fields are 
  removed from respective sub-query (applied to all types of sub-queries).
- Minor changes in the properties dialogs are made. 
- Wrong cast while processing the "not(not expression)" is fixed.
+ Fixup columns by object's base name is made. I.e. in the query "select from db.schema.orders", the component correctly identifies the
  "" as a field of the "db.schema.orders" object.
- Height calculation of the Link Properties form is fixed.
- MySQL: The differences between mysql.atg and mysql_ansi.atg are eliminated.
= The FROM keyword is always generated now for Oracle and DB2 dialects as it is
  mandatory there.
- The icon for synonyms is added to the database objects tree.

December 01, 2010

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.15.24

+ Renaming of CTE is possible now.
+ Caption of the CTE subquery tab is taken from the CTE name now.
+ Addition of recursive CTE is allowed only for specific servers now.
+ Query-unique names are generated now for CTE and derived tables.
+ Server version autodetection for MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase ASA/ASE,
  Informix is made.
+ Firebird: DateAdd, DateDiff, Overlay, Position builtin functions are added.
+ Oracle: RANGE added to the list of valid identifiers.
+ Access: The dollar sign ($) is turned to invalid letter for identifiers,
  built-in functions are added.
+ Oracle: Loading of materialized views is made.
- Field sorting is reverted to original order now when flsNone value is 
  assigned to the FieldsListOptions.SortType property.
- Query properties dialog forms look better now with DevExpress controls.
= Metadata Loading Wizard: Loading metadata is split to 3 separate stages:
  Load Objects, Load Relations and Load Custom Aggregates. This allows to 
  bypass the unnecessary steps in case of failure.
- Exception on using virtual fields in virtual objects is fixed.

November 10, 2010

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.15.22

+ Oracle: CURSOR expressions are supported now.
= Empty union groups are removed automatically now after user's changes at the
- Oracle: Filtered metadata relations loading is fixed.
- Oracle: Aggregates list is corrected.
- Oracle: DB Links syntax is fixed.
- Conditions are converted correctly from HAVING to WHERE clause now on 
  clearing aggregate for a column.

October 07, 2010

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.1.15.21

+ Bulgarian translation is added.
+ Oracle: Metadata filtration is now applied to relations fetch queries.
+ MS SQL: INDEX join hint is fixed.
+ Re-sorting fields in datasource field lists is made on changing sort mode.
- Firebird: UPPER built-in function support is fixed.
- MS SQL: Parameter names can include special symbols now (@, $, _ and #).
- MySQL: CONVERT function is fixed.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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