Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
- SQLite: Fixed problem with removing of the OFFSET part of LIMIT clause in the Query properties dialog. + The new property is added to create aliases automatically based on alternate names: IActiveQueryBuilderX.SelectListOptions.CreateColumnAliasesFromAltNames. + Firebird, InterBase: List of reserved words is imported into the grammar. + The new event is added to change object's captions at the query building area: IActiveQueryBuilderX.OnCustomizeDatasourceCaption.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ SQLite: The query properties form is made to define LIMIT, etc. + SQLite: The component now can fetch metadata from "attached" databases - SQLite: LIMIT support in the main query is fixed. - SQL dialects without databases support (like Oracle) didn't skip default schema from object names. Fixed now. + Oracle: Fetching user comments for objects and fields into LongDescription is made. + Improved processing of user input in Criteria cells. Now strings like "like qwe qwe" will be translated to "like 'qwe qwe'". + MS SQL Server: DatePart, DateName, DateDiff, DateAdd builtin functions support is made. - Oracle: Parsing of the SEED keyword is fixed. + The new property: IActiveQueryBuilderX.SQLSyntaxParams - can be used to control some server-specific syntax options. = The control is compiled with Delphi 2010 IDE to eliminate runtime leaks. - Oracle: Recursive query format is fixed now. - MS SQL: Most type names can be used are valid identifiers now. + The new properties are made to control case sensitivity of metadata filter items: IMetadataFilterItem.SchemaMaskCaseSensitive and IMetadataFilterItem.ObjectMaskCaseSensitive. + The new properties are made to force the query builder to show or omit the AS keyword in alias definition: IActiveQueryBuilderX.AsKeywordInExpressionAlias and IActiveQueryBuilderX.AsKeywordInObjectAlias. - Some small fixes are made for custom aggregate functions support. - Subtle AV on closing control is fixed. + The new demo is made to illustrate custom letadata loading in .NET and ASP.NET projects (CSCustomMetadataLoading).
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ The new Custom Metadata Loading demo for .NET is added. + Oracle and PostgreSQL: Interval literals support is added. + MS SQL Server: Custom aggregate functions fetching is made. + The INNER keyword can be omitted now in join specifications for Firebird, Interbase and MS SQL Server via the InnerKeywordInLinks property. - Aggregate function name duplication bug is fixed. - CROSS JOIN processing bug is fixed. - Access violation when user delete a table which used in a correlated query is fixed. - The "NULLS FIRST" and "NULLS LAST" ordering options representation is fixed in grid.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ Firebird 2.5 support is added. - InterBase/Firebird: Fixed identifiers validity checks. - Sybase ASE support is fixed. - Parsing of highly parenthesized WHERE joins is fixed. - Right quotation in "Alias" column is made. - Right interpretation on writing the "='" and "'" strings in condition cell. - MS SQL: NULLIF function support is fixed. - PostgreSQL: SIMILAR TO operator support is fixed. - PostgreSQL: Escaped and unicode string literals support - Showing of the Query Properties dialog is fixed with Auto Syntax Provider.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ SQL 2003 syntax: minor updates are made. + The new property is added to allow setting of NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST options: IActiveQueryBuilderX.SelectListOptions.ShowNullOrderingInSortTypeColumn. - Fixed problem with 'as alias' truncation in OnBeforeAddDatasource event. - Fixed: "NOT IN", "NOT LIKE" and "NOT BETWEEN" clauses were being split apart. - PostgreSQL: Bug in parsing of INTO clause is fixed. + Oracle: &-style parameters support is added.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ Fetching of precision and scale for field types from OLE DB providers is possible now. + Displaying of precision and scale for variable-precision data types (decimal and numeric) is made. - Add New Object dialog: Objects filtration by database and schema is fixed. - The bug that leaded to exponential grow of parsing time for some FROM clauses is fixed. - MS SQL Server: RIGHT is a keyword, it can be used only as join specification and built-in function. - DB2: national encoded string literals are parsed correctly now. - DB2, Oracle: Fetching of scale for numeric fields is fixed. - PostgreSQL: "Interval" type support is fixed.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ Now the user can edit Join expression maually via the Link Properties dialog. + DB2, PostgreSQL and ANSI SQL/92: "NULLS FIRST/LAST" support is added. + PostgreSQL: Support of INTO clause is added. + The internal visual controls destroying method is changed. Now all differences between SQL and SyncSQL properties are eliminated. + MS SQL: loading synonyms info for MS SQL 2005 is made. = The component produce an empty query string on empty query builder now. + The new menu item is added to the Union Sub-Query context menu to copy the current union sub query to a new one. + DB2: CONCAT operator is supported now. + Metadata XML schema is updated. = MS SQL Server: The '=true' and '=false' values are treated now as special comparisons for logical expressions only. + Now it is possible to change join type via context popup menu. = Right quotation of conditions in the grid is made. - MySQL: Missing "QUARTER" and "WEEK" functions are added. - MS Access: Quoted parameters parsing is fixed. - InterBase/Firebird: Empty brackets are suppressed now for stored procedures in the FROM clause. + Field descriptions are loaded into metadata container from OLE DB Provider. - Fixed bug with assertion failure when link condition contains sub query. + The User's Guide is updated. + More optimal grid filling is made when loading criteria and select list items. = The "Move forward" and "Move backward" Union Sub-Query context menu items are renamed to the "Move left" and "Move right" for better understanding. + The "Safe for scripting" and "Safe for initialization" flags are set now. + The new properties are added to the IMetadataObject and IMetadataField interfaces: ShortDescription and LongDescription. + The new properties are added to get information about objects in the metadata container from the Query Statistics: IStatsFromObject.MetadataObject, IStatsUsedColumn.MetadataObject, IStatsUsedColumn.MetadataField, IStatsOutputColumn.MetadataObject, IStatsOutputColumn.MetadataField.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ DB2 Syntax: Query Properties dialog is added. - MS SQL: Ranking functions are not quoted now. - The bug with syntax provider switching is fixed. - Metadata filters are working fine for Oracle now. - Firebird: support for "NULLS FIRST" and "NULLS LAST" is added.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
= Fields loading is disabled on calling the SaveToXMLFile method in the Offline mode (WorkOffline property is True). - Fixed bug with the Substring(_FromString From _Index For _Count) function for many SQL dialects. = Oracle syntax: Now showing only those database objects that allowed for selection.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.
+ MS Access: Support of "SELECT INTO" clause is added. + The new IActiveQueryBuilderX.DenyIntoClause property is added to restrict building of SQL queries containing "SELECT INTO" clause. + Two new properties are added to define cardinality of relations between database objects: IMetadataRelation.KeyCardinality and ChildCardinality. - The "BETWEEN" operator is now treated as logical for better handling of manual criteria input. - MS Access: Usability fixes in conditions parser are made.
Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:
Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:
Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:
Active Query Builder Java Edition:
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:
Active Query Builder VCL Edition:
We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!
We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...
In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!