
Active Query Builder WinForms Edition History

April 04, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- Bug in metadata filters is fixed.

April 03, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ Sleep mode is implemented. This mode allows you to suppress error messages
  while printing unsupported statements in SQL text editor, connected with
  Active Query Builder. Active Query Builder now switches to Sleep mode when
  non-SELECT statement is passed to the SQL property. This allows your end-users
  to write any other statements, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE ...,
  ALTER ..., etc., without any additional processing. 
+ New properties are added to parenthesize conditions in WHERE clause.
+ DB2, MS SQL, SQL2003 syntaxes: Added support for field aliases for derived
- MSSQL syntax: WITH clause is fixed.

See the full story for details

March 31, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- DB2 syntax: Bug with correlation clauses is fixed.

March 27, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- MySQL syntax: Missing implementations of "YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY", "HOUR", 
  "MINUTE", "SECOND" and "MICROSECOND" functions are added.

March 25, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new HideSingleDatabaseNode property is added to the
  QueryBuilder.MetadataTreeOptions to hide unnecessary database node if all
  objects are loaded from the same database.
+ New properties are added to the Universal syntax provider:
  AutoDetectServer: Boolean; allow/deny database server autodetection. 
  PreferredServer: TacUniversalSyntaxServerType; defines database server to
  start the autodetection routine from.
  UsedServer: TacUniversalSyntaxServerType; determines detected database server.
- DB2 syntax: bug with some keywords that were used as identifiers is fixed.

March 21, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ Query properties dialog for PostgreSQL syntax is implemented.
+ Firebird syntax: common table expressions are supported now.
- MS SQL: Fixed loading of database list under a restricted user role.

March 19, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ Tne new demo project is added to illustrate ability to modify queries
  programmatically (QueryModificationDemo).
= Minor optimizations are made.

March 18, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new syntax provider UniversalSyntaxProvider is added. 
  It is based on the ANSI SQL/92 syntax but allows to determine most of popular
  database servers, successfully retrieve metadata and apply specific settings
  for them to let the user build simple queries for these servers.
  Please note that this does not mean that the Universal Syntax Provider could
  be a suitable replacement for specific database syntax providers, as it
  strictly follows the rules of ANSI standard, that may lead to many 
  incompatibilities while working with specific database servers. 
  Working with the Standard version, use the Auto Syntax Provider in case of
  necessity to detect database server automatically.
+ The new full-featured MDI Demo application with source code is added to the
  Trial and Standard versions.
- Drawing of visual join link arrows is fixed.

March 11, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

- Fixed wrong field names quotation in the drop-down list of "Expression" column.
- The bug with relations in PostgreSQL syntax is fixed.

March 05, 2008

Active Query Builder WinForms Edition v.

+ The new QueryBuilder.MetadataTreeOptions.EnableEditing property is added to
  enable in-place editing of alternate names in the metadata objects tree.
- Minor bug fixes are made.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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