
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition History

February 04, 2009

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ Double click on a datasource field adds it to the criteria list now.
* Drag and drop fields from datasources to the select list is reactivated now.
+ Preservation of additional ORDER BY clause is made (like Oracle's NULLS FIRST)
+ The new property is made to move key fields at the top of fields list
  regardless of fields sorting:
  IActiveQueryBuilderX.FieldsListOptions.KeyFieldsFirst: VARIANT_BOOL.
+ Built-in search in datasource field lists at the query building area is 
- Oracle: MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE words are to the list of valid identifiers.
- Oracle: Wrong loading of some WHERE constructions is fixed.
+ Minor painting improvements of the datasource field lists is made.
+ Numeric condition values for string fields are quoted automatically now.
- MySQL: REPLACE function is supported now.

January 06, 2009

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

--- General Improvements -------------------------------------------------

+ New datasource context menu items are added to check/uncheck all fields 
  for a datasource.

+ Downgrade links of loaded query is implemented when Syntax changed to one 
  which doesn't support ANSI joins.

+ New property is added to sort fields within the datasource field lists: 

+ New properties are added to take control over the links creation process: 
  IActiveQueryBuilderX.LinkOptions: ILinkOptions
  - LinkManipulations: Enum(lmAllow, lmDeny, lmAllowRelationsOnly)
    allows/denies link creation by end-user, or allows creation of links 
    for foreign keys only;
  - CreateLinksFromRelations: VARIANT_BOOL
    allows/denies automatic links creation from foreign keys;
  - LinkCompatibleTypesOnly: VARIANT_BOOL
    allows links creation only for fields with compatible data types only.

--- Syntax fixes and improvements ----------------------------------------

- DB2: Fixed problem with retrieval of the current schema for DB2 for AS/400.

+ Oracle: Support of EXTRACT function is added.
- Oracle: improved parameter name parsing is made.
- Oracle: "ZONE" is now treated as valid identifier.

- MS SQL: improved parameter name parsing is made.

+ MS Access can load queries with unquoted semi-keywords as field names now.
  (like "select from orders a")

--- General bug fixes ----------------------------------------------------

- Bug with wrong hashing of alternate names in metadata container is fixed.

- The component is able to parse queries like the following correctly:
  "select [[[]]].OrderId from Orders [[[]]]"

November 05, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ The FROM clause is now generated only when query has datasources.
+ Firebird syntax: Support of expressions in the FIRST clause is implemented.
- Several fixes for DB2 syntax are made: 
  * right interpretation of DAYS keyword in different contexts
  * list of aggregate functions in parser is fixed 
  * analytic expressions are supported now (Min(Column1) Over (Partition By
- Ignorance of field types in the metadata XML file is fixed if they aren't
  .NET types.
- Properties are saved now in the IPersistPropertyBag by fixed-size chunks 
  (VB6 crashed when you try to save more than 128K into it)

September 22, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ Oracle: additional aggregate functions are added.
+ SQL 2003: boolean expressions are allowed everywhere.
+ MySQL: some built-in functions are added.
+ Now the "= null" and "<> null" values in Criteria cells and translateed 
  to the "Is Null" and "Is Not Null" values.

September 01, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ Universal syntax provider: IIF-like functions are supported now.

August 22, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

* Usage of the Highlight color for selected items in fields list is applied now.
+ Minor improvements in the Firebird and Oracle syntax providers.
- Fixed bug with adding metadata from the XML file without clearing the Metadata

July 31, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

- Sybase syntax: Minor improvements in the metadata loading procedure are made.
+ Automatic correction of the "Output" and "Grouping" column check boxes is 
  performed now to generate correct SQL queries with grouping permanently.
+ The inverted relations option is made in XML: set the 'type="fk"' attribute
  to the "relation" element.
+ MimerSQL: speed up fields list loading
- MySQL: "DIV" and "MOD" are removed from the keyword list, "DIV" now treated as

July 24, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ Customization of datasource's field lists at the query building area is made.
  See the FieldsListOptions property for details.
+ Field lists are retrieved now through database server specific queries.
+ Basic support of Mimer SQL dialect is added.
- MySQL and Firebird parameters parsing is improved.

June 05, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ Working with Excel and Text files through the MS Jet Engine is improved.
+ Aliases for derived tables are created unique now.
- Incorrect switching to the sleep mode in few occasions is fixed. 
- More correct representation of "NOT EXISTS" clause is made.
- Fixed bug with saving tables with "synonym" tag in XML.
- Minor bugfixes for MS Access, Firebird and Postgres syntaxes are made.
- The Connect method didn't raise an error if the user clicks "Cancel" button 
  at the Login prompt. Fixed now.
+ Minor speed improvements are made.

May 08, 2008

Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition v.

+ The UsedSQLSyntax property returns detected database server type for Auto and
  Universal syntax providers now.
+ Alternate name are taken into account on sorting objects in the metadada tree.
+ Extended information is available for parameters used with IN operator.
- Prefix is skipped for stored procedure names in columns, if they were used
  without aliases.
- Field checks are processed correctly in expressions with aggregate functions.
- DB2: Speed up parsing of the CAST function for standard data types.
- InterBase/Firebird: Fixed parsing of CONTAINING and STARTING functions.
- PostgreSQL: Fixed Unicode support in the special PostgreSQL token scanner.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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