
Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition History

January 27, 2017

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.13.1

- The bug with searching in the Database Schema Tree has been fixed.
+ The new QB.Web.Application.TreeComponent.tooltipGetText method can be
  defined to set custom tooltip text for items in the Database Schema Tree.
  The Item object that is passed to this method has the following fields:
  caption (holds alternate name if UseAltNames is set to True), description,
  fullName, name, type (enum QB.Web.Enum.MetadataType), typeStr.

January 24, 2017

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.13.0

- The bug with datasouce popup menu not showing in IE has been fixed.

+ Ability to add new calculated fields by the end-user has been made. 
  Now users can add new fields to database objects and specify custom SQL 
  expressions for them. These can be fields intended to perform some 
  manipulations on real database object fields (concatenation, "if - then" 
  expressions, etc.) They can also be used to get values from lookup tables. 
  Of course, the end-user must have the necessary knowledge of SQL language, 
  so we recommend to turn this feature on only if you know that if will be 
  valuable for your end-users. 
  Setting the new QueryBuilderControl.EnableUserFields property to true 
  enables addition and removal of user-defined fields by the end-user. 

+ The new validateCondition and validateExpression methods have been added
  to validate values for the Expression and Condition grid cells.

+ The new MetadataContainer.ExportUserFieldsToXML and ImportUserFieldsFromXML
  methods have been added to save and restore user-defined fields to a file.
  They let keep the user's work between work sessions.

+ The new User Fields demo has been added to demonstrate the new functionality.

+ The new "AllColumns" value can be applied to the UseCustomExpressionBuilder 
  property of the Grid control. Setting it turns the possibility to edit values
  in both Expression and Condition column cells using the custom editor.
+ The new method QB.Web.Application.setUserData(data) has been added. The data
  passed to this method will be sent to the server within the next sync event.

December 12, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.5

- The bug with 'undefined' title tag for folder nodes in the Database Schema
  View has been fixed. 
- The bug with loading queries with complex join expressions has been fixed.
= The need for RefreshDatasourcesMetadata method call after changing content
  of Metadata Container has been eliminated.
- Other minor bug fixes are made.

November 10, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.4

- Sorting in the Database Schema View by alternate names is performed in the
  appropriate mode.
+ A new row is now added to the Query Columns Grid on double click on a field
  in the Datasource field list, but it doesn't get checked. That allows for a
  quick addition of conditions for fields.

November 01, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.3

- The bug with double click on an object in results of filtration in the 
  Schema Tree View has been fixed.
- The bug on clicking the "Check all" popup menu command of the datasource
  field list has been fixed.

October 28, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.2

+ Database objects and fields can be added to the query by double click in 
  the new Objects Tree View.
- The bug with multiple collapsing and expanding nodes of the Objects Tree
  View has been fixed.
- The bug with incorrect quotation of fields has been fixed.

October 21, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.1

= The component now restores its state correctly after the session expiration
  if the component was loaded separately from the web page.

October 19, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.12.0

+ Ability to restore the component's state after session expiration without
  reloading the page has been made.
= Ping action now detects session expiration.
+ Overlay to disable visual UI controls is made. The new functions are 
  added to show/hide the overlay: QB.Web.Application.showOverlay(message),
+ New functions are added to set and clear the filter for the Database
  Schema Tree: QB.Web.Application.TreeComponent.setFilter(filter),
- The bug with not displaying fields if object added twice to the canvas 
  has been fixed.
- The procedure parameters dialog was displayed incorrectly using the old
  database schema control. Fixed now.
- The bug with incorrect displaying of objects in the old schema tree
  control in MVC projects is fixed.
- A memory leak while using the control in "Multiple Queries Per Session"
  mode has been eliminated.

September 23, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.11.9

- The bug with inability to modify table alias is fixed.

September 21, 2016

Active Query Builder 2 ASP.NET Edition v.2.11.8

+ PostgreSQL: Support for custom aggregate functions is added.
- Query Transformer: The bug with incorrect generation of the ORDER BY
  clause if column alias is same as field name is fixed.
- The bug with invalid generation of queries containing derived tables 
  when the SQLGenerationOptions.QuoteAllIdentifiers property is set to true
  is fixed.
- The bug with inability to uncheck a field in datasource field list is

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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