
Active Query Builder VCL Edition History

October 29, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.31.4

= Column aliases that are valid identifiers aren't quoted now.  
+ The new SelectListOptions AlwaysQuoteColumnAliases property is added. 
  Default is false.
= QueryTransformer: On the select list expansion, column aliases are assigned
  for all fields, not only for renamed ones.
= CriteriaBuilder: The bug with displaying dates in lookup and list popup 
  editors is fixed.
- DevExpress UI: The access violation error on deleting a datasource from 
  the Design Pane is eliminated.
+ SQLite: Date, Time and DateTime conversion built-in functions are added.
= Firebird: CTE in subqueries are supported now. 
- Oracle: The bug with applying limits for server versions without 
  OFFSET/FETCH support is fixed.

October 14, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.31.3

+ SimpleFilter now supports object masks (%, _).
- The Access Violation error on dragging objects from the Metadata Tree in 
  specific circumstances is eliminated.

October 08, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.31.2

- The Access Violation in TacSqlTextEditor on assigning a semi-initialized
  TacQueryBuilder with AutoSyntaxProvider has been eliminated.

October 05, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.31.1

+ It is now possible to Show/Hide Unused fields for all objects on the Design
  Pane via the context menu.
= Minor interface improvements for datasource fields filtration are made.
= Better placement of new datasources on the query diagram is made.
+ SQL Text Editor: The Ctrl+Delete shortcut is added to remove the token part 
  at the left of the caret. (The Ctrl+Backspace removes the right part.)
= SQL Text Editor: The Shift+tab behavior shortcut has been changed. If there's
  no selection, it unindents the string if it's on the right of the caret,
  otherwise moves the caret left.
- Informix: The bug with missing built-in functions has been fixed.
- Oracle: The bug with queries containing DbLink objects has been fixed.
- A memory leak is fixed.

September 30, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.31.0

+ Support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria has been made.
+ Now it's possible to filter fields in datasources on the Design Pane.
+ Informix: Support for databases, double-quoted strings, curly-braced 
  comments are added; the keywords list is updated.
= MySQL: ANSI_QUOTES server option autodetection is made.
= TacSqlBuilder: The new property BuiltinFormat is added to determine the case 
  of built-in functions and variables.
= FireDACMetadataProvider: The new property LoadPkFieldsFromDriver is added to
  determine whether it's needed to retrieve the information about primary keys
  using FireDAC Meta helpers or not.
= TacSqlStatement: the Start property is renamed to StartPos, the new EndPos 
  property is added.
- The crash on adding CTE in some cases has been eliminated.
- Simple Metatada Filter: The bug with the filter for case-sensitive columns is
- Minor fixes in the TacQueryTransformer are made.

June 30, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.30.11

+ The initial support for Denodo Virtual Dataport is made.
+ Criteria Builder: Filtration and search with highlighting in the
  suggestion grid is made.
= Criteria Builder: IS (NOT) NULL, and NOT EQUALS operators are allowed for
  boolean field conditions.
= Query Transformer: The fields case is preserved now for a wrapped query.
- Query Transformer: The bug with ORDER BY generation for a wrapped query is
- Automatic generation of short aliases is fixed when the object is added to
  the query from the linked objects menu.
- Metadata object names generation and comparison are fixed when the server
  generally supports schemas, but the server returns an empty schema.
= The generation of SQL query text is made thread-safe.
= Nodes aren't loaded to the metadata tree now if it is hidden.
- The bug with not updating the SQL text on editing a subquery in the link
  expression is fixed.
= MS SQL Server: The support for TRY_CAST and TRY_CONVERT built-in functions
  is added.
= Teradata: A fallback to non-X system views is made if X-views are not
- Teradata: The server autodetection is fixed.
- Pervasive: Parsing of the IF, DateAdd, DateDiff, and DatePart built-in
  functions and the DOUBLE built-in type are fixed.
- DB2: Parsing of the EXCEPTION JOIN and backslash as a division in
  expressions are fixed.
- SAP Hana: The IsSupportDatabase flag is turned off.

March 10, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.30.10

= SQL Text Editor: Minor autocompletion fixes have been made.
= The length of automatically generated aliases for single-word names is 
  set to 3 characters; the maximum length is limited to 5.
- MySQL: "PRECEDING" and "POSITION" clauses are fixed.
= FireDac Metadata Provider: The internal FireDac macro-expansion has been 
  turned off as it breaks some servers.

February 02, 2021

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.30.8

+ The component generates short object aliases for objects added to the
  query if the QueryBuilder.GenerateShortObjectAliases is set to True.
= SAP HANA: Support for the CONVERT_UNIT built-in function has been added.
= MySQL: Support for UTC_DATE, UTC_TIME, UTC_TIMESTAMP functions has been
= MySQL: Parsing of the RECURSIVE keyword in the WITH clause has been fixed.
= MS Access: Parsing of optional identifier before subquery in the FROM
  clause has been fixed.
= NexusDB: Remote NexusDb server dependencies have been removed from the
  metadata provider.
- Query Transformer: Multi-level filters have been fixed.
- Criteria Builder: The bug on pressing the Esc key in the popup list has
  been fixed.
- The Access violation exception on loading complex query with ORDER BY
  column indices has been eliminated.
- PostgreSQL: The PRECISION token has been added to the list of valid

December 21, 2020

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.30.7

= PostgreSQL: Support for the parenthesized subqueries has been added.
= Informix: Support for the LIMIT clause is added.
- Generic SQL syntax: Support for ABS built-in function is added.
- MySQL: The bug with the special syntax of POSITION has been fixed.

August 08, 2020

Active Query Builder VCL Edition v.1.30.6

+ Support for Intuit QuickBooks SQL syntax is added.
= The Query Structure Demo has been improved by processing IN, LIKE and BETWEEN
  nodes in the DumpExpression method.
- MySQL: The bug with adding "=TRUE" or "=FALSE" for logical expressions has 
  been fixed.
- MySQL: The Tilda character "~" is removed from the set of valid characters
  for identifiers.
- SAP Hana: TOP, DISTINCT, and PLACEHOLDER clauses are generated at the right
  place and order now.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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