
Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition History

February 25, 2015

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- DevExpress: Drawing of items in the dropdown of the QueryColumnListControl
  combobox for some themes is fixed.
= MS SQL Server: Object name is now used as default alias for objects from 
  linked servers.

February 10, 2015

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- Teradata: Loading of foreign keys is fixed.
- Criteria Builder: The bug with decimal separator in value editor 
  when separator in system regional settings it's not the dot is fixed.
- Oracle: Parsing of the "REFERENCE" keyword is fixed.
- Null exception on condition clearing is eliminated.
= DevExpress references are updated to v.

December 18, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- The bug with adding FETCH FIRST clause using the Query Properties dialog
  is fixed.
= DB2: Metadata objects loading is improved for older mainframes: fallback
  to QSYS2.SYSTABLES is made.

December 10, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- The MetadataContainer.AbortMetadataLoading() method is fixed.
  Use it in the metadata loading event handlers to cancel the process.
- Dragging of brackets in the Union Navigation Bar is fixed.
= MS SQL Azure: Metadata loading is improved.

November 27, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

+ VistaDB5MetadataProvider is added for VistaDB 5 database engine.
= VistaDBMetadataProvider and VistaDB4MetadataProvider are discontinued, 
  but available in source code by request.

November 19, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- Exception in discarded invisible controls is eliminated.

November 12, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- DevExpress UI: The bug with duplication of sub-menu items is fixed.

November 11, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

= DevExpress: Context menus in all components are skinned now.
! API change: Signature of the ValidateContextMenu event delegate is changed. 
  See the updated Events Demo for menu modification example.
= Swedish localization is updated.

November 05, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

- MS Access: Type cast exception when using query limits is fixed.
= The new MetadataLoadingOptions.IgnoreNumericPrecisionForNonNumericTypes
  property is added to extract informaiton about precision for non-numeric
  types even the value of this information is questionable (False by default).

October 29, 2014

Active Query Builder 2 WinForms Edition v.

+ The new events are added to track user search actions in the Database
  Schema Tree: QueryBuilder.BeforeQuickSearchStarted and 
  QueryBuilder.QuickSearchFinished. The first event allows to cancel search
  action, the second event provides the number of found items. 
+ SQL Text Editor: The new properties are added to allow changing colors
  of gutter area: GutterForeColor, GutterBackColor, GutterSeparatorColor.
+ Query Transformer: The new AlwaysWrapInSubQuery property prescribes
  to wrap user query in a sub-query in any case.
= Precision and Scale properties of MetadataField aren't filled for 
  non-numeric columns now.
= Metadata Editor: Objects of UserQuery type are hidden now from the 
  database schema tree.

Product Summary

 Active Query Builder WinForms .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder WPF .NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition:

 Active Query Builder Java Edition:

 Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition:

 Active Query Builder VCL Edition:




We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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