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October 22, 2009

Active Query Builder .NET Edition 1.11 released

We're glad to announce the new version of Active Query Builder .NET Edition. You can download the newest version or request the trial at the download page.

What's new in the Active Query Builder .NET Edition version 1.11?

  • Support VistaDB 4.0 is implemented.
  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation is added.
  • SQLite: The query properties form is implemented, Ability to fetch metadata from "attached" databases is added.
  • Oracle: Retrieval of descriptions for objects and fields from the database is implemented.
  • The LIKE criteria parsing is improved. Manually entered criteria like "LIKE John Doe" will be distinguished as "LIKE 'John Doe'".
  • Basic support for custom aggregate functions is implemented.
  • MS SQL Server: Custom aggregate functions retrieval is made.
  • MS SQL Server: Parsing of DatePart, DateName, DateDiff, DateAdd functions is fixed.
  • MS SQL Server: Fixed parsing of fields with names matching datatype names, like "DateTime".
  • Oracle: Parsing of the SEED keyword is fixed.
  • Oracle: Parsing of "CONNECT BY" and "START WITH" clauses sequence is fixed.
  • Oracle and PostgreSQL: interval literals support is added.
  • Firebird: List of reserved words is imported into the grammar.
  • The INNER keyword can be omitted now in join specifications for Firebird and MS SQL Server via the InnerKeywordInLinks property.
  • SQL dialects without databases support (like Oracle) didn't skip default schema from object names. Fixed now.
  • Unambiguous reading metadata from XML generated by other AQB Editions (VCL/ActiveX, Java) is made.
  • CROSS JOIN processing bug is fixed.
  • New properties in the QueryBuilder and PlainTextSQLBuilder components: AsKeywordInExpressionAlias and AsKeywordInObjectAlias. You can use them to force the query builder to always show or omit AS keyword before aliases.
  • The new events DatasourceFieldRemoving, DatasourceFieldRemoved are added to control removal of fields by unchecking them from the datasource field list.
  • The new properties are made to control case sensitivity of metadata filter items: MetadataFilterItem.SchemaMaskCaseSensitive and MetadataFilterItem.ObjectMaskCaseSensitive.
  • The new property is added to create aliases automatically based on alternate names: SelectListOptions.CreateColumnAliasesFromAltNames.
  • (!) API changes: MetadataFieldNameList class is renamed to MetadataQualifiedNameList.
at ActiveDBSoft.
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We have been using Active Query Builder for over a year and must say that both the product and support have been outstanding!

We chose Active Query Builder due to its flexibility and features, but have been truly pleased by its power and hidden capabilities. ...

In summary Active Query Builder provides excellent components, great support and a very flexible feature set. It has allowed us to provide features to our end users that I did not think would be possible in the first release of our new tools and in a timeframe that was much shorter than planned. I would recommend that anyone dealing with databases in the .Net world should be aware of this component and its capabilities!

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